Need help for Uploading PHP Script

Hi, I need some information for Presentation of my PHP Script. Please check the attached image, and kindly guide me how I can add these information’s and images when I’m submitting Script. Thank you


For Item Description you can use simple html tag like:
<p>Hello Form is a Full Responsive PHP Working Ajax Form with Required field jQuery validation.</p>
<strong>YOUR BOLD TEXT</strong>

To add images/screenshots In the product description you have to first upload those images on the web (for example in your web hosting server). Then use img tag to show the image as like:
<img src=“WEB-URL-OF-THE-IMAGE” alt=“image” />

For Item Features:
<h2 id="item-description__features">Features</h2>
<li> <strong>3 Themes (attractive design)</strong></li>


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Hi, thanks a lot for your reply. And what about Changelog??

For Item changelog:
<h3 id="item-description__changelog">CHANGELOG</h3>
----- Initial Released: 25 August 23 -----
- Initial release

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  • How do I add images to my item description?

The item description tab works via HTML code. You can use many free html editors to translate your content into formattable code and then paste this into the item description tab.

You will need to self-host your images and you can find recommended solutions for this via the author community on the Envato Forums.

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Thank you

Perfect, thanks a lot