Need help finding the right product - please tell me your suggestions / feedback!

Hi. I need to build my website so I can offer my services online now. I’m struggling to find the right product (doesn’t help that I am not familiar with web design).

Can you please provide feedback or suggestions on what did or didn’t work for you - especially if you think you have the right product!

• Counselling
• Spiritual & Personal Development
• Intuitive Guidance & Healing
• Shop (pre-recorded guided meditations & anxiety tools)
• Events (group therapy, online courses, face-to-face events & courses)
• Memberships
• Virtual / telehealth

Needs (tell me if you can identify something I am missing):
• Booking system which takes payment at time of booking
• Shopping cart & payment system
• Memberships (to access free content and reduced prices)
• Shop (with ability to upload video & audio content)
• Sign-up free for e-mail (notification system)
• Virtual video conferencing / Telehealth system (secure, not zoom)
• Forms (mental health clients)
• Ideally, a back-end patient notes system where I can keep the client’s forms, appointment history, and brief notes of our session (mental health clients)
• Must be easy to use & unlimited access to add/remove/alter content

I have been going down the rabbit hole of website designs for days! Please offer me your suggestions / expertise! I need this up and running asap due to changes in circumstances. I must be able to run this entire business in an online format!

Thank you for your help!

Forgot to add - I need to be able to offer a tiered pricing structure.