Need help finding a template (not custom made)

Hi there,

I am looking for an existing template (not custom made) for Wordpress, for a news site that has the following functionalities (I am not interested in solutions like bbpress or buddypress)

  1. Readers registration (no charging fee) and it will be a quite big number (around 1000)
  2. Readers approval by admin
  3. Articles and categories visible to everybody (public)
  4. Articles visible only to the readers approved by the admin (after login obviously) BUT the articles will be in the same categories as in point 3 (for example the category CARS may contain public and not public articles)
  5. Not public articles MUST not be visible as results in a search engine query
  6. After posting an article, the readers are informed via email (using the list of readers automatically, not creating a new list; 1000 emails is a big number to handle them manually)

Hi @rytor

Welcome to the forums! You may want to check themeforest

Can all be done with a membership plugin and a lot of themes but it won’t be out of the box like that and will need some configuration, setup and tweaking to get it to that point

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Thank you. I’ll search for the most suitable plugin