Hello, my last item (tri-fold) was rejected. I am confused why happening this.
I want to know the reason for next clean accept.
Maybe @n2n44 can help you, he is expert with design.
hi, sorry i diu not get u have to different parts of a trifold right? …
Thank you. I don’t know how to invite @n2n44 , I am waiting for him or someone else who can give me some proper reason. Because i have several item for upload. And i don’t want to get reject again.
well i have a good to of recommendations indeed …
1- homogeneity
pls try to make sure to follow sort of a guideline in what u have … the fact of the matter is that having one of the fold in black color looks disruptive to the other parts of the item …
2- logo
pls try to make a decent fake logo , pls keep in mind that all details matter and that bringing some professional looking fake logo will help to underline your work and make it more attractive to both reviewers and then, once approved to potential customers too
3- contrast
well the fact of the matter is that u have some texts that are not popping out enough and even worst sometimes, pls see point 4 …
4- readability
the red texts in the right part are super difficult to see and read and they are clearly not going to catch the attention of people in such conditions …
5- typo
well this is clean but basic what u have at this stage … introducing some originality , some variations a bit more in some places and most importantly some front combinations will help u to have a better hierarchy of information and make reviewers understand that u have ade the required efforts in terms of typo … pls keep in mind that here this is probably considered as the most essential part … i would also take out italic , if u ask me … as this is looking old, this is not particularly readable and brings nothing to the table unless u are confronted with very specific situations indeed
6- global style and coherence
pls when u select your medias try to do it according to the themed that u are supposed to deal with … , quite frankly i did not understand what is the business of this coffee cup there , especially as colors are very dissonant and break the harmony that u managed to make globally apart from this … i also tend to believe that it would be a good thing for u to push the graphic design envelope a little bit farther indeed since u do not put too much into it at this stage …
7- alignment
i believe that u should make sure that icons and bullets are being aligned with the paragraphs
Here it is, our design heros are coming, thanks bro
@N_zaman he is already here now
happy if i could help
happy for u but just in case u did no understand about this , the solution is supposed to be given to the person that helped u find the solution, not to yourself … lol
Well, congatulation I’m happy to hear that.
But, as already mention by @n2n44 the solution is supposed to be given to the person that helped u find the solution
But, again, congratulation bro, i hope ur sales as good as ur design too.