My theme soft rejected

I am fed up in redux framwork.All redux expert please help me.

Everybody comment please

i haven’t used Redux in a while but do you use the latest version of Redux?

You should create an issue on their github page.

Use redux as plugin don’t package it with theme.


When i use redux plugin but i can’t understand how to include my sample-config.php which i have created for my theme.

You must use Redux as a plugin if you want to avoid those errors. I recently did this for my latest theme.

You can use if condition to check if redux class exists. If it is then the sample file will be called.

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Thanks for your nice reply!
Can you put condition code here and please let me know where i will include this code.

Thanks all problem solved! :slight_smile:

Really everybody is very helpful.

I have the same problem with the theme
What is method used to solve the problem

You need to use Redux as a plugin.You may use TGM plugin.Then you need to include sample-config file to overight Redux.

don’t use redux as a plugin
just go to the files indicated in the themecheck errors and edit what appear to you (just replace what you need only)

Feed back is:

And theme is soft reject with Feedback:

Thank you for your submission.

  1. TYPOGRAPHIC HIERARCHY: The typographic hierarchy of this item
    requires additional work. For more information, please read:

  2. VISUAL HIERARCHY: The visual hierarchy of this item requires
    additional work. Focus on better defining which areas of this item
    should demand more attention and creating a logical structure to the
    design. For more information, please read:

  3. SPACING AND ALIGNMENT: There are spacing and alignment issues in this
    item. Please make sure that all elements are aligned properly and
    spacing is consistent from section to section. Here are some articles
    with more information regarding negative space and proper spacing:

Not able to put link due to forum restriction.

May any one help me what changes I can make for approval because I am not getting exactly need to change for approval. I got soft rejected 4 times.