My project name is "Digi Countdown", but was rejected by envato

My project name is “Digi Countdown”, but was rejected by envato:

Thank you for your submission. We have completed our review of “Digi Countdown” and unfortunately we found it isn’t at the quality standard required to move forward, and you won’t be able to re-submit this item again.

This is not a normal countdown!

The unique feature of this code is that a unique countdown is displayed at any point in the world that runs.
For example, if the website’s release date is 6 o’clock in Washington and now 3 o’clock in the evening, it will naturally reflect a 3-hour countdown, at this moment for all people anywhere in the world, at the same time as the sixth local time of Washington And finally they can display the appropriate countdown to the place where they are located.
This is a complex algorithm that I have found, and I have not seen this feature in any of the countdowns in the envato, and most importantly, all this feature is performed only by javascript and without any server-side language.
On the other hand, this countdown is apparently appropriate, and its code is very simple and lightweight, with none external library and no extra and busy features.

You can see preview it: (please wait to load all frames of GIF file)

Now, I do not know why my program should be rejected without convincing explanation or wanting an explanation from me?

Even for the most unique concept, the execution needs to feel premium, and with respect this doesn’t as it is.

It also does not show clearly what a buyer is looking at.

Is the core script something you found and not original code or written from scratch?

Where was it from?

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kkcountdown is for free and is also counting down from unix timestamp.

I did not write this to buyers. I wrote to those who want to give me feedback as an expert and also for envato managers.
Note that I may have used guides and sample codes that exist on the Internet. But what does this matter? Surely I’m not an inventor of html or javascript and the internet!
You should see and judge the output of my work and be careful that each product has its own values ​​and characteristics and may be useful to a potential customer.

If my product had a bug and technical bug and did not run properly, you could have denied it. But when things work fine, you can not decide instead of the customer.

Above all else it’s far too basic to sell here and lacks premium value and execution

Beyond that - this seems like something that can be found for free elsewhere online. You don’t need to create HTML, javascript or the internet but you do need to write original code

What are the original codes? That means I can not use jquery? do not use any slider js? do not use yii, laravel framework …?
I thinks you are agree with me that all that’s tools for a programmer.
So It’s normal that in every project there is some part of another projects, just that’s important is observance copyright.
Past it, Have you seen my code?! :wink:

You are right we haven’t seen your code and of course, there’s no reason not to use frameworks.

Regardless the execution is not premium and given the volume of countdowns out there we’d be surprised if we couldn’t find something like this free online.

I think this is a bad idea !!!
You can not say this to a final customer (consumer) (who is not a programmer).
I wrote article here about this:
Envato is not Github!!!

i read it. What was your rejected project?
A WP plugin? a PHP script? or pure JavaScript?


  • Just html5/css3/pure js
  • No PHP needed or any dependence to server side
  • No need any external js library (ex. jquery,…)
  • Tested in all browsers
  • Full open source
  • Simple to use
  • Light weight

Just edit index.htm in line #30 and put the date with your time zone as you wishes.

Personally, I don’t see any value in your item (*above what already is for sale). You’re calling a unix timestamp a “complex algorithm”? That’s a native feature of JavaScript.

I just went through a few random countdown timers for sale here and they all used unix timestamps in some form. In other words, they all showed the same “time remaining” regardless of geolocation, which is the expected behavior. Or does your item do something different that I don’t understand?

With that all in mind, I agree with @charlie4282 that the execution is not premium - there are 60 alternative items already for sale which do the same thing (many have more configuration and more design options as well) - CodeCanyon won’t accept any new items unless they’re doing something very innovative.

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You are right Envato is a premium marketplace whereas Github is more of a development platform; which is precisely why people shouldn’t be uploading the same item to two very different environments.

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At first, apologize for saying that my English is bad weak.

I recently posted a “digi countdown” project in Envato, but it was rejected. One of the users made an interesting comment that I thought we would discuss in a separate topic about it.
To reject my project, he referred to a similar project that is free and open source on the Internet.

In my view, the Envato target market should be more focused on end users rather than on the community of programmers.
Of course, programmers are also important, but a programmer has a lot of resources to implement and customize their code and has the technical capabilities necessary for this. According to a proverb: keep sb’s head above the water :wink:

Sites like Github are very useful to programmers, and they can get lots of free and easy free open source code.

But I’ve repeatedly encountered many people who do not know the Github and do not even know how to work with it, and because they do not know a line of code, the simplest code in the Github can not be compiled, installed or executed, and this is a challenge. For them.

A programmer needs can be repaired by the Github. But what about a final client who does not know how to program? Envato can help these people!

Software that may even exist in the Github is simpler, so that ordinary people can use them with just one click, or if they need an appearance, they will be provided. Then they will be available for sale in Envato, so non-programmer’s will also be able to use them.

In other words, a programmer receives free service from the Github, because knows knowledge it.
But a final customer pays for the Envato products because it has no programming knowledge.

Another issue is support, most of the projects on the Github do not provide commercially-supported support for low-level users, but Envato will allow end-users to get decent business support at a reasonable cost.

If you pay attention to these differences. Sure you agree with me that this is a incorrect idea, that if there’s a free and open source similar project on the Github, so there’s no place for it on the Envato!

And I emphasize that you can never tell a customer to download the program from the Github, but surely and safely you can tell buy it from the Enoto.

What do you think about this?