If I used a zip express compression program (use home license) for uploading, does it reason for hard rejected?
your power point was hard rejected because is too basic, problem typography, too basic infographic, bad colors, etc but you have more time practice for approved graphicriver.
I am not expert in graphicriver but I would invite you my friend author @n2n44 he will help you best your power point because he is graphic designer and experience more 16 years.
Do you agree with me that is the reason of rejected for using zip express (license home use)?
No. The problem is definitely not in ZIP encoding. If this were a problem and if this were the only problem, then you would receive a soft rejection asking you to change the ZIP file. I see a lot of problems here (in all aspects). As mentioned above, these are: fonts, colors, typography, layout, etc… Now it is very far from the design that Envato favors