my pattern rejected because of quality standards?

my pattern design rejected because of quality standard
how can i make it meet the quality pleasa?

Hi @sunshinesunrise2019
I think that you pattern is too basic bad colors, shapes, but you need best pattern you can see other for example on graphicriver but don’t copy it, regards.

Merry Christmas :slight_smile:

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hi indeed there are many reasons , maybe including the preview do u realize that we can almost not see what u have here , so hard to “sell” your item in such conditions … in addition, let’s face it u have a real issue of balanced of the shape inside the canvas… items are not equally disposed , the spacing is not ok and some parts are very buddy while some looks way more empty


thanks a lot to every body i am new here
thanks for your help

yes this is good that u come and ask and that u are open minded to get to know how to improve the item, just take this into account and u will take your game to the next level :slight_smile: