Hi Guys. My jingle has been rejected and I would love your opinion on what you think might be wrong. I’m new on Audiojungle and I’d love to know what I should change. Thank you for any tips.
here’s the link for the track: https://soundcloud.com/mat-j-jelen/my-inspiration-2/s-YQtLK
Hi! there some problems:
- Guitar sound is very agrressive
- Track is very repetitive
- Kick drum is very low and has cheap sound
- Arrangement is booring
Try to create more dymamical arrangement, add some additional melodies. Also I think it better to play more standart drums (for example bass drum playing 1/4, ect). And mix track with softer sound, not so agressive like that. Good luck! 
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Thank you very much! We’ll work on it 
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