My item is down because of?

A competitor reported us violated because of this “similar filter”

And the item is down. WHY, this called Violated Copyright?

Designs – a new and distinctive shape, configuration, pattern and ornamentation which, when applied to a product, give it a unique appearance. The registration of a design gives the owner protection for the visual appearance of the product.” - This is on Envato,

What should I do now :frowning:

If that element is really the only one similar to your item the claim of course is invalid, anyone can create a filter like that and no one can claim a copyright. Strange that Envato allowed this. Anyway it will be putted online again but you need time.

:frowning: yeah i know, but we have to remove the element then the item can be reinstated quickly, because if we “put back” the report, we have to wait for 14 days. An item not available for 14 days, the #1 item on Education Category, can you believe that :frowning:


Get in touch with Envato Author Customer Success they would like to assist you with an official answer.
At here(Envato Forum) we can’t help you out from your issue.
Piracy Discussion are not allowed at here.

Hope you understand.
