My item has been removed without any reason

Why is my 3 item removed ?
My item has been removed without any reason, I don’t know why.
I have been selling my items since 2 years. and it was a 5 star rated item with 100+ Sales.

Hi @G-Devs,

Please Contact Author Support and let them know. Support Team will be happy to assist you.


You can check the hidden item comment section about the item status

codecanyon .net/user/USERNAME/hidden_items

Hi @G-Devs,

Check Your hidden Item Section , You can check Your Soft Rejected Hidden Item Using this URL -
codecanyon .net/user/ USERNAME /hidden_items
Replace USERNAME with Your Username.

Or Contact to Support team -

1 Like

I was facing the same issue…Thankfully the comments above helped.

Are the items back live/Listed?
Have your items been listed back on the website?