My item Business Card hard rejected?

My item Business Card hard rejected? Please guide me
Here is the link


I don’t think that someone will help You watching 200x600 image size :slight_smile:

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Here is the link for clear view :slight_smile:

hi i personally think that your item is a bit simple and lacking kind of graphic transitions indeed this is kind of clean but i do not think that there is enough work at this time so that people feel like buying and feeling like they are saving sone time out not doing on their own and so that they prefer buying … . After that i highly recommend that u work on a real lookalike professional logo, even for a preview the one u have is reinforcing the feeling that this is too simple actually …

i also do not think that using italic fonts is a good choice, for me this looks old , that may be attractive for some buyers who like italic without we can identify why (it looks old and most of the type does not match the rest of a design) but i guess that this tend to weaken your product

the base that u have is not bad, lay out and color choices , the global harmony but i think u need more work a bit in a general way and a bit more on typos specifically indeed

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I understand where is the problem! I will try my best next time :slight_smile: Thanks for your time and guide.