My First Film Scoring Work at TIFF

This year I did scoring to a film called “Baskın” will have a world premiere with midnight madness at the Toronto International Film Festival! I am very excited about it and want to share with you all ! :slight_smile:

Here is the show times :smile:

Here is the trailer

Hope you like it :slight_smile:


Very good! Congratulations :slight_smile:

Congratulations! You da man! :wink:

Nice job and trailer.

Wow. Congratulations! The movie looks wild :scream:

I love Baskin :shaved_ice: Robins but this movie is not about vanilla ice-cream? Anyway congrats! :smile_cat:

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Good Job ! :beer: :+1: And yet … very funny to hear the Turkish language with such a video :joy:

Hahaha. I don’t why I thought that was really funny. But I laughed really hard.