This is my first classical track that just got aproved on Audiojungle…I would like to hear some opinions from authors that have alot expiriance in classical music.All i ask is to be honest and try to give me some advice how to improve my work…
Thanks for the feedback!
hey Nikla, maybe u do not know but they may close your thread as they will consider that u are self promoting, since your item has been approved , i just wanted to let u know
hey Nikola, don’t worry anyway if they find out u are they will close the thread , this is that simple lol i think that sound cloud link is ok ut i am not sure because somehow some way it amounts to the same as u are displaying to all an item which has already been approved , which they cazn potentially assimilate as self-promotion lol but never mind, i just said because i wanted u to be aware that they may close the thread that’s all, in mind my case i don’t mind and would be happy for you if u can sell some sales from here
indeed, i think it has even a wilder potential and can be used for many other kind of activities and i hope Mega Music gets good sales out of this beautiful track