My Demo won't load

I’m sitting here with a theme I can’t use, I have no way to contact the author, I can not
submit anything to the forum – I can only read the forum. I have looked at the documentation and there is no help there.

All I’m doing is spinning my wheels since I bought this theme.

If you can’t login to their forums - how come you can’t post?

Did you try contacting them via their profile?

When you say the demo won’t load - what happens?

Did you try contacting them via their profile? I have clicked on Authors and the theme under authors - I have not seen any profiles

When you say the demo won’t load - what happens? When I click on quick setup, import demo it just spins. It would spin all day if I didn’t stop it.

All this should not be this hard. This site should have been set up weeks ago.

If you go on the item page there are tabs above the main image including ‘support’ which will tell you how to reach the author.

The spinning sounds like a hosting issue rather than the theme but the author is the best person to ask

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