My Ae Product got [ Hard Reject ] why ?

My Item Is In AE Category and i made an AE product it is best product and i made all things perfect but my file is 6.8 Gb But it Is an Good Product it can be accecpted i seen projects over 3gb limit
But i dont know Why my item got hard rejected i need help
please help me.
This Is My Project Video Preview

Checking the recently approved After Effects overlays might give you a good idea.

No bro i didnt found out any mistakes mine is perfect expect size limit all is okay
i need support from the reviewer why my item got rejected
i already posted my product with minor changes
Any one help me Please…

How about remove some elements instead of including all 600 so the file is under 3gb. If it’s accepted, then you can possibly add more back in.

ya its a good idea Thank you
i Have a Doubt : If i want to add more after accecpted is it go through the review again if it is again that problem will happen

If i want to add more after accecpted as you said is it go through the review again if it is again that problem will happen again
Please answer me

Bro My Item got hard rejected again What is this bro
One Member suggested me that first make a 300 bokeh product and when its get apporved then add 300 bokehs more to the file
but i have a doubt that if i add more bokehs again will it go through review again if it goes do the hard reject happens again
Please answer me bro i am hope less

I have seen your project has been approved