Multi site builder/ system

I am looking to start a DIY site builder website but avoiding wordpress Multisite as too complicated in the backend and users will find it hard to use. Please can I have suggestions of trialed scripts to buy so I can purchase. I have seen a few site builders with bootstrap framework where you drag blocks into the canvas which I am interested in but I want the whole system talking- managing backend users who create sites and payment side aswel.

Your help will be much appreciated and also to point out I’m not a technical person so not into programming. So im looking for just purchasing the plugins/ scripts where the system talks to each other and works smoothly.

Thankyou in advance.

My suggestion is dokan from wedevs… You can create multi vedors and sell but its a bit expensive.

Think you misunderstood me. I’m not interested in wordpress as the backend is too complicated and also I need a sitebuilder not an ecommerce Multisite theme.

Want a simple frontend sitebuilder with each user having capability to start a site by adding there own domain or using existing subdomain.

I’ll suggest my script - Awesome Mobile Site Builder (AMSB)

Please let me know if you need any help

Had a quick look but this is for MOBILES ONLY?? do you have anything for general websites?