More Licences for one theme

Hello envato market,

i have a question for buying wordpress themes. I didn’t find any direct mail to you for such questions.

We are an online marketing agency and buy a lot of themes, especially more licences of one theme.

Are there any offers for instance for the amount of 5 / 10 / 15 theme licences of one special theme?

Because at the moment we have to buy let’s say 10 single licences for the main price instead of an offer for more licences.

I found the envato elements offer for unlimited themes but the theme we want is not available there.

Could Someone help us?



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Hi @octopus66

In current exist Features your Query feature not included. But you can contact Envato Customer Support. They can give you the most correct answers and a solution if possible.

Just contact support they will be very happy to assist you.


Thanks for your help. i’ve got in touch with them :slight_smile:

There is no multi-use license. It has to be individual license/purcahses for each project and website