I love the idea of having “fun facts” displayed at the authors dashboard. The thing is there are so few facts. Can’t that be changed very easily?
Dear Envato Team, if you are looking for fun facts, how about these:
-Your last buyer is from “country”
-There are “number” Envato members in “authors city or country”
-You are the “number” member from “authors country”
-Your sale rank from “authors country”
-Today, a year ago “something happened, like: first item approval, first sale, hit a milestone, got a badge…”
-Most Envato Members from “authors country” are from “city”
-“the authors item which” performed the best in the last month
-You received a total of “number” comments on Envato
-you had a total of “number” trending items
-most of your customers are from “country”
My English is not so good, but I think you can understand what I mean I guess that you want some facts not to be made public, but I’m sure there are more facts you could share
What about you, other authors? Do you have more ideas for fun facts?