Mock-up tutorial

Dear Graphicriver people,

I am looking for a tutorial or someone who can explain me how to make a mock up in photoshop.
I have tried a few thing but didnt get the result i whant.
I have no problems with paying for the tutorial.
Or maybe there is a tutorial already


Just buy one you like the look of and see how it was made then you should find it easy to make you own!

hi justin

if you are familiar with 3d max i suggest you to take a look of this tutorial on cgtuts:

it is really well written so i would give it a try : )

however in my opinion the best way to get the mockup secrets is to purchase one o two of the awesome items on the marktplace and analyze it/them

have a look

good luck!



thnx for the reply, I have bought 2 mock ups and i am trying to master them.
The only problem i have is with the layers with the red glow around the eye.

thnx for the link to the 3d max tutorial


justin00000 said

The only problem i have is with the layers with the red glow around the eye.

mh… right click on the layer -> layer properties -> color: default


Thank you i have send you a mail.
Thanks you for the explanation.