Missed thumbnail

Hello, I’ve already faced this issue several time. After updating thumbnail, image is missed, and not displayed like you see in screenshot. Any idea?image

I already have this issue with one of my items. I updated the thumbnail last night. Now it is still broken, exactly as you describe :frowning:

This is not the first time when it happens for me. It will be visible next hours, as I know its a caching problem out there


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We’re having the same issue now :confused:

Maybe there is an issue with the market. Hope this gets fixed soon

Bump :expressionless:

I’ve updated just thumbnail and now is missing:
Staff reply is greatly appreciated.

You may try to update the thumbnail again. It works.

Nope! Did before, jpeg / png and … nothing …

Create a newFolder on your desktop and save the thumbnail there. Then use that one. I know this seems “funny” but worked for me every time :slight_smile: I hope it works for you too. (I changed many times :slight_smile: )

Thank you Bedros, but it doesn’t work for me.


Same issue here :frowning:

It will be updated within max 2-3 hours. I had the same problem

Or just send screenshot with thumbnail again and once they approve it thumbnail will be also immediately changed. :smiley: