Members to create a collaborative brand in themeforest


I am a ThemeForest author who has been working alone, but at this time the market requires teams of 3 or 4 members, at least, to create a respectable brand

Here is my work

I need to members with the next skills

  1. Programmer with php and js experience in wordpress

  2. Social media manager with experience in brand develpment and promotion (facebooks, twitter, adwords), with skills in CSS/HTML/PSD

Please share some of your work and experience


Hi Theo,

I’m a Wordpress developper with good experience,I’m interested by your offer, this is some of my work (Old ones have no time to post others):

I’m developping many new ideas that can help reach top authors,

my skype : biboyass

Thank you,

We can discuss more in Skype at pradeep.narava
We area team developing themes and plugins in wordpress.