Meet Enscouto - Market Research & Analytic app for Envato Authors

Hello everyone, my name is Yoav and I’m the developer behind Enscouto - a Google Chrome extension that provides a comprehensive set of market research and analytic tools for Envato authors. The extension makes it easy for authors to find a profitable product to sell on Envato, and to track how their competitors are doing.


  • See item revenue, sales & profit information, embedded into any item page in the marketplace.
  • Analyze search results by sales, revenue, ratings, age and more, using an embedded popup.
  • Track any item in the marketplace to see how it is performing in real time.
  • Receive real time notifications of sales & price changes of any item in the marketplace.
  • Compare any number of items to see how they are performing against each other.

Future Plans

  • Deep analytic information for your own items
  • Comprehensive marketplace-wide search engine
  • Tracker item grouping

For documentation, tutorials and version history, visit
For updates, follow @Enscouto on Twitter

EDIT 12/26/2016
Enscouto is now in open beta, you can download it here:
Feel free to join the beta testing group and ask me anything or suggest features to be added before the app is launched.

EDIT 1/19/2017
After 4 beta releases, Enscouto is out of beta! You can now install Enscouto through the Chrome Web Store.


Hey @Askupa this is really cool! I’d love to talk more about it :slight_smile:

Do you want to send me a message and book a time?

1 Like

Absolutely! I’ve sent you a message

Update: Enscouto is now in open beta, see the updated post for the link ^^

Update: Enscouto is out of beta!!

Hello. Was this taken down?