malware warning with woo swatches plugin

This morning my WordFence security scan returned a critical warning about potential malware in the WooSwatches - Woocommerce Color or Image Variation Swatches plugin. Before I take action I just wanted to check in about this. Google search turned up nothing. Here’s the full warning from WordFence:

Filename: wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-colororimage-variation-select/classes/wcva_mobile_detect.php
File Type: Not a core, theme, or plugin file from
Bad URL:
Details: This file contains a suspected malware URL listed on Google’s list of malware sites. Wordfence decodes base64 when scanning files so the URL may not be visible if you view this file. The URL is: – More info available at Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page.

I’ll tag in the author for you – @sysbasics

They’ll be able to check into it. It’s most likely a false positive.

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@swansIsland231 Fixed. please update.