Make quality items stand out! (General discussion on how to give high-quality items more weight.)

Yep. I too think that some sort of featured selections (other music libraries call them ‘albums’) are an obvious way of highlighting quality work.

I really was amazed by the recent forum post by Envato, asking for the ‘5 best corporate tracks’. Of course it’s OK to ask the community for help in doing your editorial work (though maybe a bit lazy…) - no one knows the (hidden) treasures of the marketplaces better than its authors.

What still amazes me is how random this effort seems. There seems to be no real strategy behind it. Why not curate hand-picked selections like this on a monthly basis. And please don’t hide that editorial work somewhere in a blogpost (which actually is the plan for those “5 best corporate tracks”). Feature those collections prominently on the frontpage of the respective marketplace, with a layout that is actually appealing to customers!

An honest question that I’ve always wondered about: Does Envato actually employ dedicated marketing teams for each marketplace? People who actually know how those (vastly diverse) markets work outside of the Envato universe?