Make item to be used by real buyer


As our items are being sold without any right outside envato so to keep this limited how can we save our items ?

Can we provide user required stuff once he/she approves product by purchase code ? I know they can bypass code but atleast some thing is better than nothing. Any help apreciated plz

Yes, you can do it by purchase code verification systems using envato api:


I am planning once user is verified only then I will show him/her their required details or plugins from my own hosting … this way they can’t get my additional plugins without verfication. Now my query is … “is it allowed ?” If yes then how envato review team will review my team as the code will require those things etc ???

I am a bit confused so it will be great if you can help me a bit more on this please … yes I can verify users through API that is clear … thanks again man :slight_smile:

no, it’s not allowed. but you are free to add purchase code verification for restricting some premium features (example: demo import, auto update, few premium plugin settings) but the item should work fine without purchase code verification.

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so then it means even envato does not want us to save our work … :frowning people are selling our precious work in $5 sales and we are still looking here for the answers so we can save our work … if so then how can we make or save our work ???

all of your work (items) are your own copyright. So, you can sent them DMCA.

all copyright infringement related issues be reported directly to Envato Help Centre

Please also see Envato Help Centre for more information on copyright.


Yes I did sent DMCA and also asked for envato help team to help … they just said avoid your work with verifications etc … they can’t help any more in this … it looks like something is not good with envato as they don’t care about us at all … otherwise their should be some valid mechanism for such a large company to avoid such issues … :frowning: