Made With Envato - Envato Elements

It’s time to announce a few more winners - this time from our April entries!


:drum: Our latest winners are @YaBoi, @artbear and @filmdust

:star: @YaBoi wins $100 for sharing their branding and marketing assets for Skin Fuel

This project is a perfect example of the kinds of professional results you can get when combining the Elements library with some serious design skills, and we love the range of different items that have been included. You can see artboi’s original entry with a full item list here.

:star: @artbear wins $100 for sharing their digital composition Alone?

artbear incorporates many different elements into their work - you can check out the original entry here to see more details.

:star: @filmdust wins $100 for sharing their Snow Princess image.

They’ve taken an original photo and used a series of wintery Photoshop actions, overlays and other items to add some special effects to their image. You can see their original entry with a full item list here.

We’ll be in touch soon with prize information - and with some more winners from among our May entries. If you have a project or portfolio piece you’d like to enter, we’d love to see it - just post it in this thread and you’ll be in the running for one of our prizes.

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