Made With Envato - Audio & Video

Username: rrahim
Real name: Raees
Country: Trinidad and Tobago
Who Made the Project: Myself
Name(s) AND Link(s) of Envato item(s) used:
Audio: Tech by Tatreal-
Callouts: 70 Callouts pack by IronNetwork-
Lower Thirds: Titles and Lower Thirds by flikmotion-
AE Template: Parallax Glass Slides by CowardRobertford-

Title of Project: Border Control Suite
Link / URL to Project:

Screenshot of Project:

About the Project: Created for the company I work for, this video showcased some of the technologies we’re implementing across borders internationally. Having less that 1 week to put something together, all models and 3d scenes were rendered in real time using Unity 3D and then composited in After Effects with the mentioned assets from Envato.