Looking web-designer for partnership


i’m looking for creative, full of ideas web-designer to cooperate with whom on HTML and WP Themes creating for themeforest.

I’m experienced wordpress web-site developer, but my web design skills poor.

So, if you ready to collaborate with me, welcome. Profit 50/50

I’d be interested,
please add me on skype : ukos93


can`t find you
try to add me oleg_d_s

Add me on skype and send me a message then I’ll provide you some great design

Skype : sunilpujee


I am a web design having experience of 10 years. I have two items on themeforest.
we can discuss on skype.
My skype : vinodpal

Looking forward your reply.

Thanks so much !!

can`t find you
try to add me oleg_d_s

Closing 9 years old