I am looking expert html developer can help me in my softrejection issues…mentioned below…
hank you for your submission. 1. ITEM DESCRIPTION: Make sure your item description includes an accurate description of how editable or customizable your item is. Please list the file formats included. Any elements that appear or are used in the preview but are NOT in the download. Any outside assets, fonts, or resources used. Important: Please click the Save button prior to resubmitting your item. 2. Please improve the quality of your preview image and thumbnail. 3. TYPOGRAPHIC HIERARCHY: The typographic hierarchy of this item requires additional work. For more information, please read: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/understanding-typographic-hierarchy--webdesign-11636 4. VISUAL HIERARCHY: The visual hierarchy of this item requires additional work. Focus on better defining which areas of this item should demand more attention and creating a logical structure to the design. For more information, please read: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/an-introduction-to-hierarchy-webdesign-14947 5. SPACING AND ALIGNMENT: There are spacing and alignment issues in this item. Please make sure that all elements are aligned properly and spacing is consistent from section to section. Here are some articles with more information regarding negative space and proper spacing: http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/using-white-space-or-negative-space-in-your-designs--webdesign-3401,\ http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/adding-space-to-your-designs--webdesign-14836 6. RESPONSIVE ISSUES: Your files are eithier inaccurately represented as responsive or have responsive layout issues. Please take a moment to make sure that your design layout looks correct at different breakpoints and that all text is scaled appropriately for smaller devices. 7. TYPEFACE: The choice of typeface should support the purpose of the design and by extension, the needs of the intended audience. Ref: https://designschool.canva.com/font-design/ 8. FONT COMBINATIONS: It’s recommended that you pair complementary fonts that add to the design aesthetic you’re going for. In general, a design should utilize less than three (ideally two) font variations that each compliment another — not compete for attention. Ref: https://designschool.canva.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-to-font-pairing/ 9. LINE LENGTH: To maximize readability, it’s recommended that you adjust the line length (measure) to not exceed 95 characters. Note that an ideal measure is between 45 and 75 characters in length. Ref:https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/09/balancing-line-length-font-size-responsive-web-design/
IB if you can