Looking for WordPress Theme just like angela-merkel.de

Hi there,

we’re looking for a wordpress template similar to angela-merkel.de and this fancy scrolling effect :slightly_smiling:

Somebody know any template that might be a feasable solution?

With few CSS changes, one of my theme could be used as the website that you’re looking for.

If you’re interested in, you can drop me an email to gmail(at)moskvayigit.com to discuss the details.



Hi Yigit,

sounds great!
Is this just the same theme used on this site: http://thatsfitness.de/ ?


With no CSS modifications, I do have a theme witch does have all those options, from the page Section dividers to everything.

Email me at basiliskan@gmail.com

No, they are different themes…

Another one with similar concept: http://demo.krasotaiskusstva.com/vecto/

Great, we’ll talk about your suggestions with our customer :slight_smile: