Looking for Wordpress developer to retain to help finish customization of my website: zaapost.com

Looking for Wordpress developer to retain to help finish customization of my website: zaapost.com

Pretty vague in details. You could set the image to use “100%” width and this way it fills the area it’s in?

Hard to really give direction with such little information.

Thanks for responding. I’ve been frustrated with this. How do I set that to 100%? I use newspaper theme. My website is zaapost.com. Please see the front page for the image not fitting problem. Please help me to resolve this.

img {

Add to your css (depends on theme), that will make the image goes 100% width but then also make the height auto generate to keep the image aspect ratio.

This will affect all images on the site, you might need to assign to an individual div image which would be something like:

#slider img {

Thanks! It worked.