looking for Plugin to sell services!

Can someone help please,
Any idea of a plugin or a combination of multiple plugins to sell services (not marketplace)?
Something like Envato studio/fiverr but only admin is selling services,

I need user to fill a form with questions (upload some files) pay for a service (paypal) and after successfull payment the user is redirected to a ticket support (dashoboard) where he can follow the progress of the job (download files etc…)
The only solution i could find is a combination of woocommerce with a ticket support plugin (still not perfect), if someone could share a better idea!


HI chillmen !

Yes off course we can help you out with our services. Please contact us via our codecanyon profile promotionking and we will help you out with our best possible services and solutions.

Yes we have many ideas to achieve it. You may please contact us