Looking for partners who can convert PSD templates to HTML and/or WordPress, Joomla, Drupal themes

We are successful and actively developing company that already has more than 50 items selling across Envato marketplaces. We are looking for partners who are able to convert our approved PSD templates to high-quality HTML and/or WordPress, Joomla, Drupal themes.

Feel free to contact us with your offers and portfolio examples. Looking forward to mutually beneficial collaboration.

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i looking for designer with PSD to develop theme Wordpress.
If you are interested Partnerships, Let’s discuss the conditions,
Workin on one full theme takes about a month (it depends on the complexity, sometimes it takes 15 days). I am making themes for an elite author https://themeforest.net/user/azexo/portfolio
You can see my projects here:
well, if you have any suggestions I would like to know about them
If you are interested Partnerships, reply here or send me a private message!

Can i be usefull ?