Looking for new software for our image db

We have a online gallery with pictures of old people from the villages we live in. All the way from about 1870 until now. Only dead persons. There is about 1200 images and descriptions in the db and it is getting slow. The url is https://goingebyn.org. Click on a picture to see how it looks. Are there any similar script around I would be thankful for a hint


As this is a custom work, the only solution would be a code modification or if you’re looking for a solution to start from the beginning, you can use “WordPress” as CMS but it’d require some work to integrate the data from the current system to new one.

Yea I am also interested in the possibility to modify the code. Unfortunately the author is not around anymore to help. Have to find a php programmer. WP is not an alternative. WP has too many security problems in my taste.

Thanks for answer

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