Looking for HTML theme feedback


Because now there’s that problem with themeforest uploading time, waiting keeps itirating me and I am very agitated. I am not sure if my theme will be accepted. It’s my first.


Some tips?

Thanks a lot!

Don’t do anything hastily, don’t re-upload you will be put in the back of the queue.

Wait for their comments.

I personally believe, you need to work on spacing/paddings and font-sizes.

It is way too generic. Weak typography and spacing, the choice of photos doesn’t make any sense . Sorry, but this looks like a free template.

I like how you built your portfolio :slight_smile: no wonder your doing pretty well with sales.

Issue - Text is getting overlapped on Particle effect version. http://awesomescreenshot.com/09a5up9re3. (Latest Chrome, 1920*1080, Win 8).
I also somewhat agree with /user/wearede.

Good luck

What do you mean?

I was replying to someone else.

Oh, sorry. Well, I will for suree wair for their review. I will not remove and send it again… maybe the review will come at next Christmas.

Thank you by the way. You spotted my problems and my weak points :slight_smile: i focused too much ob responsiveness and forgot about typography, honestly.

And i choose those pictures because “charge” is inspired by a car name (glorious Dodge) and i used classic cars, random pictures… “Charge” could fit for a coming soon template (i mean there’s like “progress charging”, time counters more exactly). Anyway images aren’t relevant. Theme.is uploaded with placeholders.

Thank you all!

i don’t know how that happend. I spammed almost everything before I finished the themplate in order to see bugs or others. Anyway thanks. I’ll see.

I got a soft reject and I am glad of that :smiley: Now I know what I have to do.
