Looking for feedback to improve my mix: Heartbeats in the Dark

Hello friends, here is a track I’ve prepared recently.
I’d like to hear your opinions about anything that sounds doubtful or suspicious, or strange.
Any suggestion to improve the general sound and mixing of this track.

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Guitar too bright, too loud and does not go anywhere.
Too long intro - does not do anything.
Drums need to be more punchy - take a look at “Strike Force” for drums.
How is this track commercial and how would it be used in a generic project?

I am not a reviewer - just my humble opinion so really does not mean anything. Good luck with sales.

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Thank you Graham, I appreciate your honest opinion.

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I agree with Graham’s feedback above, but would also add, respectfully, that the track sounds to me a little bit confused with its styles and genres. My first thought was “what is this track aimed at?” and it wasn’t really clear, but as I listen further I can hear potential as a spaghetti western theme, but in that scenario, I think some of the synth sounds are a bit incongruous. The piano is good, I’d suggest trying strings swells and brass instead of the synthy sounds, and a real guitar, and a simple and well defined/memorable melody. More powerful drums as Graham suggests too. Only my opinion, but hope that helps x

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Thank you Andy, I’ll consider your suggestions!