Looking for an android app that will play music

Looking for an app that will play specific MP3 files that are included with the apk. Seems like a simple thing but i haven’t had any luck searching, anyone else?

Can you explain more
I might be able to help you.

Best Regards

I’m not sure how to expand it. I want an app that will play specific MP3 files that I’ve included in the app. Most of the music apps on this site search the phone for MP3s. I want to play specific tracks for an audio tour I am creating.

Your question is not clear enough to be answered.

What part is unclear?

Hi Dannydp. Your scope and request seems clear. I am willing to create an android app at a minimal offer. Please contact via email at my envato profile.

Thank You

It’d be great if you could please be more specific.

I can definitely help out. if you are looking forward to get an android app from scratch then share details so that we can both get started.

I am available 24/7 you may please ping anytime or get in touch via email