Looking for a Wordpress Theme for Envato Affiliates

I’m searching for a long time a theme for Wordpress where i will be able to add and showcase items from Envato Market (all marketplaces) but if it’s a possible to add items by ID and custom url (for Impact Radius) for purchase.
I have several CodeCanyon themes and plugins but nothing works as it should (probably not compatible with best selling major themes).

In a basic i need:

  1. Professional home page look with 12-16 featured items
  2. Single page for items with large placeholder for image, audio or video large placeholder & description
  3. Big or medium Buy button that will contain Impact Radius generated URL.
  4. Reviews from buyers (optional)

Does anyone has anything similar in his portfolio?

Do you have some website similar? Please, send a similar website.

I do not have anything similar, all i want is to build a serious Envato Affiliate website.
Import items without too much complexity and send traffic (new buyers) in a few clicks to the Envato items.

Do you have any preference considering the design? Do you want it to be clean, minimalist, dark, with pastel colors or something completely different?

Anyhow, here’s my suggestion, I hope it helps.