Looking For A Wordpress Plugin Developer & PHP Coder

Hello first sorry for my english… We need a wordpress plugin for embed videos grabbing…

Plugin will get embed codes, Topic, Tags, Description, Thumbnails, Duration and post it to clients wordpress site…
Plugin will use video.js at the backend. On plugin side there must be a settings area for player logo, Player logo url and what are the custom fields of duration, and thumbnails etc… Plugin will work if the webmaster will signup and get a lisence code after adding its domain to our site. And plugin will register a ulr to customers db like, http://domain.com/embed/id.html and will add a iframe to post content with this url…

Our site will be a PHP script

There will be a registeration page on our site. customer will add its site to the system and will get a lisence code to adding plugins lisence area…

We will add video url, thumbnail url, topic, tags, description and duration to our script via admin panel…

When customer embed a video, our script will create a html page under the customers id to our site.
like http://ouradminsite.com/{customerid}/{videoid}.html for all embeding videos by the clients…

On clients site plugin will create a link like http://clientssite/embed/videoid.html to a customfield or else…
Than will create and add it like…

<iframe src=http://clientssite/embed/{videoid}.html>

And in this iframe will make iframe to our main html file automatically…

<iframe src=http://ouradminsite.com/{customerid}/{videoid}.html>

Can anyone write a wp plugin and php script like that?

Please, drop me an email with the Forum URL and possible with your budget