Looking for a theme with sidemenu "bullet style" like this example!

Hi there!
I’m looking to build a website based on a subway/urban style and I really love the idea of this menu:
with the links kind of remind me of subway stations. Although, I’m not sure this theme will suit me for all the other things I need to do and I’m not sure about the mobile version too…

Do you know any other theme that would allow me to have that kind of menu? It could be old style horizontal too, but this “bullet” animation is really what I’m looking for.

Thanks for your help! :slight_smile:

Hey Justine! :smiley:

I wonder if this menu plugin can be adapted to what you’re looking for?

I’ll also tag the author @looks_awesome

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Hi! Thanks for your suggestion!
It’s not exactly what I’m looking for, but I admit this one http://superfly.looks-awesome.com/?demo=3 makes me thinking of having each menu element the color of a subway station… that could be nice!

I’m used to buy theme and use their own plugins… so how does it work with third party plugins? Do I have to wish that they will be compatible or is it almost sure? :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for your help:)

If it’s a WordPress plugin then it should be compatible with most to all WordPress themes :smiley: