Looking for a selling template with all codes include for video time watching streaming live

Hello, there i hope all of you are healthy and safe!
Looking for a selling template with all codes include for video time watching streaming live
Are there any templates for use ready for use for a selling membership web I want to build
something like VIMEO.COM that selling option includes all code inside ar includes I don’t have to work on it ready for use. I just can upload my video files and sell
and painting files and sell

thanks for the help Marilyn

You won’t find that out of the box, and you need to consider the huge hosting costs that you will face to maintain a site like that (easily hundreds if not thousands of $ a month depending on how busy it gets)

thank you very much for the replay.
ok i understand what you are saying. i dont mean to have the exact vimeo kind of web. i just want to sell my own video art and paintings not as well of other artist. so do i have template ready for sell ? do you know how can i get one. or do i need to take anorma video template and add to it payment and membership. plags thank you. Marilyn