Looking for a plugin to manage ecomm site referrals

Our company sells our product wholesale to dealers and designers, but we don’t sell direct to customers. As a result, when those people come to our site, they can’t really buy from us there - they just see things they like, and then they can either click our “find a retailer” button, or they can go hunt it down online themselves.Either way, we don’t really get much insight into whether customer traffic is translating into sales. We’d like to be able to refer those visitors to one of our online vendors (i.e. Amazon, Overstock, etc…) from each product page. But since we have multiple channels, and we don’t want to “play favorites,” we’d love to create a “buy now” button that would refer traffic to one of our vendor product pages on a rotating basis, so we’re spreading out the purchases as fairly as we can across those different online vendors.

Does anyone know of a plug-in solution that handles that sort of setup? I guess all we’d really need would be a button where we can load in multiple URLs and have the destinations rotate.


AffliateWP together with some modules they have or a play-around can make it work really good for that!