Looking for a "Flexible" Magazine Style Theme

Ok, I almost used “Customizable” but I caught myself. Every theme claims it’s customizable - but I’m looking for something that’s not “drag and drop” or uses cookie cutter blocks. Basically I want something that I can still use the Classic editor with. My site already has tons of existing content and I would like to be able to randomly display different posts from different categories in some sections and recent post in others. And I need it to work with Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies.
And just a little FYI - I was using Genesis with the Magazine Pro child theme and the Genesis Featured Post widget. It worked ok for as far as what I wanted to do but since the latest update they moved to Atomic Blocks and it completely ruined my homepage.
I took it as a sign to finally get away from Genesis.
Anyway it has become very frustrating finding something else to work so any suggestions will be helpful.