Looking for a designer on TF

Hello everyone,

I’m WP theme developer and looking for a designer who have approved PSD template on TF. I’m thinking about make partnership. But i’m also open to buy copyrights of items. It’s up to you. If we collaborate, this will be long-term relationship. So we’ll always keep going to build new items.

If you’re interested, you can leave a comment here or send me a message through contact form on my TF profile: http://themeforest.net/user/burakkaptan

still looking for

Contact me: mehtiyevmehti@yahoo.com
Bakuden Selamlar dostum

Mehti M. Mehtiyev

Biz senle mail üzerinden konuştuk ama daha sonra dönüş yapmadın.

== still up ==

still looking for
