logistics theme tutorial

Hi! I purchased the logistics theme. Can anyone please send me a link of the tutorial on how i can customize it?


The author of that item @freevision will have some basic instructions on how to setup and customize the item included with the file. I will also tag them into this discussion in case they have a custom support site that they use.


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Hello, thanks for purchasing. We’ve 2 logistics business theme. Not sure which one you’ve purchased. So you can reach online documentation via
http://doc.freevision.me/logistic/ and http://doc.freevision.me/logipro/

please open a ticket in case you nee help via http://freevision.ticksy.com/

All the best.


Thank you! Do you have a tutorial on how to build the design template that you have on the logistic homepage?

Hi, you can simply import demo data. It’s easier to customize pages by using visual composer. Please open a ticket for us via : http://freevision.ticksy.com/ so we help you directly.

All the best.

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I tried importing demo data but it just imported the images that’s on the theme. Is there a way to import the layout so I can just drag and drop the images that I need to put on the site and change my text?

Also I opened a ticket for my inquiry at the link given but unfortunately I haven’t received any reply until now.

Hope to hear from you.

  • Luzel

Hello, due to local time respond time can change. Please consider that. We’ll process your ticket and help you asap. No worries :slight_smile:

I tried everything that you said like increasing the php to be able to import the demo data but unfortunately still it wouldn’t work. It’s so frustrating! I bought this theme coz I read the reviews that’s its easy to customize. Can I get a refund on my purchase?

Hello, as I noticed your ticket has responded and explained what to do! If you’ve moved your project somewhere live please provide your admin credentials via your ticket so we set things up for you.


Yes, I followed everything that they have told me but still I wasn’t able to import the demo data. I do the website locally in computer using mamp. I also increased the php and all the values that was recommended in the link has been fulfilled but still the importing didn’t work.

Yes you said that before and we asked you to move your project somwhere live and provide required credentials trough your ticket. Please continue to contact us trough ticket system instead forums. We do not provide support from support.


I’ve been signing in to the ticket that I opened the last time and this is what I’ve been getting.

{“error”:“invalid_client”,“error_description”:“Client not found”}

I’ve responded your ticket. Please check!