(Locked) Products licensing for WordPress Multisite

1 license for each installation.

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kemoli said

Dear carmen,

What about if i want to use one domain (mysite.com) and 1 subdomain (For example, product1.mysite.com) with two wordpress installations? do i need more than one license?

it’s one domain so one license is enough

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Using ‘100% GPL License items’ might be an affordable solution for Multi-sites usage.

You might want to check this out… and this too.

thank you candeed!!! and thank you kingdog

KingDog said
kemoli said

Dear carmen,

What about if i want to use one domain (mysite.com) and 1 subdomain (For example, product1.mysite.com) with two wordpress installations? do i need more than one license?

You will need a license for each project. If your building a different project, even if it’s on the same domain, it will require another license.

Carmen said something totally different on previous page:

The answer: You need one license per main domain. If you are using WP multisite to run multiple subdomains under one domain, you only need one license. (For example, product1.mysite.com; product2.mysite.com; product3.mysite.com.)
I don't want to sound rude or anything, but this isn't funny. How can authors and customers understand the licensing, when even the staff can't agree with each other ?

kriskorn said

I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but this isn’t funny. How can authors and customers understand the licensing, when even the staff can’t agree with each other ?


I agree Kris, and that’s why I started this thread. We need official information on this, it needs to be included on the license pages with examples what is covered in case of multi domain, subdomains or multisite. Licensing is still very confusing and as we can see, even Envato staff is not sure on license use. WordPress has many different ways to use, and they all need to be clearly described and covered by licenses. We don’t need any more cunfusing forum threads, we need official license information about all this.


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My apologies, and the reason I don’t wade into license threads any more :slight_smile:

Currently you need one license per main domain. If you run multiple subdomains within one domain, you only need one license. If you are running multiple sites on different domains, you’ll need one license for each site.