Locked Out of my account. Unlock immediately.

Hi. I am currently locked out of my account, due to a refund request. Please unlock immediately. BR, Baskerville

You need to contact support - they are the only people who can open it here

I did that already. I never recieved a mail informing my account got locked. I cannot access any plugins I bought. This is btw illegal, so ensure that i can access my account immediately.

If you have twitter, contact envato support there.

Now they contacted me. Thanks.

I’m so confused that why my other author account is locked so that I can’t login any more, it says that “Sorry, it looks like you’re currently locked out of your account. Please contact Envato Support for more details.” when I click sign in button.

Is there any one has been also met this issue? Why is that? I have already submit ticket to Envato, but they haven’t respond fast. I have tried 5 times purchase but still can not. help and thanks