I am looking for a Content Sharing WordPress Theme, something like, upworthy, or boredpanda.
I already test Me gusta theme and i loveit theme here in themeforest, anyone know a theme in themeforest or others
I am looking for a Content Sharing WordPress Theme, something like, upworthy, or boredpanda.
I already test Me gusta theme and i loveit theme here in themeforest, anyone know a theme in themeforest or others
Contact me on hayatuzair@gmail.com . I would be glad to help you
I’m looking for content sharing theme (wordpress) as well. Anything further on this. Not really thrilled with the 2 or three themes already available on here. Surprised how little there is on it actually. Anyone have any leads to one?
How about my Aruna?
FinalDestiny saidHow about my Aruna?
I saw that one. A little hideous looking and layout. There were also a number of comments from users in the support area that kind of turned me away from it. Especially the security related ones and anon posts showing as admin posts etc. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of user content sharing themes around really. I’ve scoured around but just keep calling up the same few.
Although I owuld also recommend FinalDestiny’s theme first off alternatively try http://themeforest.net/item/cube-frontend-multimedia-publishing-wp-theme/5248083 or http://themeforest.net/item/facepress-community-content-sharing/1861805
There are a couple of PHP scripts for content sharing on codecanyon, I think they offer better security than a WordPress theme.
Stardaug saidFinalDestiny saidHow about my Aruna?
I saw that one. A little hideous looking and layout. There were also a number of comments from users in the support area that kind of turned me away from it. Especially the security related ones and anon posts showing as admin posts etc. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of user content sharing themes around really. I’ve scoured around but just keep calling up the same few.
Not sure which security issues you saw in the comments sections, there are no security issues within the theme. And the anonymous thing was fixed weeks ago.