Dear all,
Is there any websites who share the good images to use in commerical projects at themeforest! Thank you
Try the website compfight. You have the ability to search under different licenses including commercial free through millions of flickr photos! You can find some awesome photos that way Or you are also allowed to use watermarked photodune images, but then you must attribute them in the item description.
MikeMoloney saidCan I use author link back for images on my themeforest project? Thanks Mike Moloney!Try the website compfight. You have the ability to search under different licenses including commercial free through millions of flickr photos! You can find some awesome photos that way
Or you are also allowed to use watermarked photodune images, but then you must attribute them in the item description.
Heya hlaporthein!
Here are a few links on the topic of usable images:
And awesome tip Mike - I’m checking out the compfight WP plugin now to see how it works!
Check this out …
A cool tool